And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. ~ Acts 2:46-47
Why We Gather
Scripture makes it clear that the early Church gathered together regularly. These gatherings are designed to immerse ourselves in the reading, teaching and personal application of the Word of God to our lives. Acts 2:42 provides the foundation for what we do when we gather: Doctrine (immersing ourselves in the Biblical text), Fellowship (edifying each other in our pursuit of Christ), Breaking Bread (reflecting on the provision of God – both spiritual and physical), and Prayer (aligning ourselves with the heart of God, especially in the context of the needs and opportunities around us).
We choose to gather in several venues listed below. While these are corporate gathering times, we encourage our members to be “breaking bread in their homes” with one another on a regular basis. This is how discipleship truly happens in the local Church, through life-on-life ministry!

The Gathering
The community of believers united as Liberty Hills Bible Church gathers each Sunday morning at 10:00 to worship through expositional Bible teaching enhanced through corporate fellowship and music followed by Application & Instruction groups at 11:30 to discuss and apply the teaching of the morning to our personal lives.
This gathering is the culmination of a week spent learning, growing, serving, and struggling. It’s a “family meeting” where we encourage each other with the faithfulness of God and challenge each other to live lives that reflect His character and purposes.

Life Groups
At LHBC we recognize that in order for the body of Christ to be healthy and function as instructed in the New Testament we need to live as a community. Life Groups are settings where we engage each other on a personal level and build relationships to carry each other through the challenges and celebrate the victories of life.
Looking for a Life Group to be a part of? Click the button below to contact us for more information via our contact form!

Bible Studies
Studying the Word of God is one of the most important things we can do to grow in Christ. Of course, we encourage everyone to study God’s Word during their personal quiet time. However, studying together opens up opportunities to share our own struggles and successes along the journey of the Christian life.
Ladies’ Bible Study is held on the 2nd Tuesday each month.
Teens’ Bible Study is held on the 3rd Tuesday each month.
Men’s Bible Study is held on the 4th Tuesday each month.

One of the many ways we help children at LHBC grow in their knowledge of God and His Word is through the AWANA program.
AWANA will be relaunching in September of 2024!